The time of year where the wind picks up dragging the ragweed along with it and drying out the water in the air. Not only does this do murder for my sinuses, the whirlwind of Vata picks up and creates restlessness in my mind and body which can be a real challenge for tuning into those subtle signs that you need to slow down, restore, and rejuvenate.
A few weeks ago this really hit me where it counts, quite literally in the crotch. As I headed into my third trimester I was pushing for as much active 'normalcy' as I could cram into a day with the rationale that once baby #2 gets here ... ain't nobody got time for that! So let's combine some ambitious yoga hikes with rigorous Balanced Athlete sessions and dipping my feet back into the hot room for my yoga practice with the apparently stellar job the relaxin has been doing on all my joints and you have a perfect scenario for Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction. Let me just tell you how pleasant it is to feel the misalignment of your pubic symphysis and feel like its digging into your tissue. Working with wonderful experts I get to call friends I've gotten lots of relief and a big lesson in pulling back and listening better.
This probably could have been avoided if I had taken the initial hint when my respiratory system halted with bronchitis just a month before that. Slow down woman, the calendar is getting full, your list making is getting out of hand, and the ability to multi-task isn't supposed to be a personal challenge to win at it.
Anyway this fantastic remedy was not only super effective, it is one of the few things Sophia will eat consistently which means we have a good arsenal against her seasonal nighttime mystery cough.
Find the skinny on Asian Pears here
The recipe is simple and you can find lots of info on this as its an old Korean remedy, however I would add to not cook the honey as I have seen in many recipes. Honey's properties are lost when heated and some camps believe it actually becomes toxic.
Simply cut and if you prefer peel the pears and place in a steamer, steam until fork tender. Place in a bowl and drizzle quality raw honey, preferably manuka or locally harvested. Eat several times a day when respiratory issues flare up.